Investor Relations

Tadvest is committed to the principles of sound governance and application of the highest ethical standards in the conduct of its business and affairs. The Board recognizes the need to conduct the Company with integrity and in accordance with generally accepted corporate governance practices. This includes timely, relevant and meaningful reporting to shareholders and all other stakeholders and providing a proper and objective perspective of the company and its activities.

Board of Directors:

The Board consists of two executive directors and three non-executive Directors, with the majority of the Directors being Mauritian residents and the Board currently being chaired by Deva Marianen. The Board has adopted a Board Charter evidencing a clear balance of power and authority at board level to ensure that no one director has unfettered powers of decision making. The Board meets at least four times per year in Mauritius, with additional meetings called if and when required.

Audit and Risk Committee:

The Audit and Risk Committee is chaired by independent non-executive director Mike Gray with Ian Chambers and Chris Neser as the other committee members. The Committee provides independent oversight and reporting of the Companies financial control and reporting and risk management.

Corporate Governance Committee:

The Corporate Governance is chaired by independent non-executive director Mike Gray with Ian Chambers and Deva Marianen as the other committee members. The Committee provides independent oversight and reporting of the Companies compliance with the corporate governance codes and the SEM listing requirements.

Company Secretary:

Safyr Utilis Fund Services Ltd is the Company secretary. The Company Secretary acts as a vital bridge between the Board and the executive management and oversees that the Board follows the correct procedures and complies with its obligations under law and the Company’s constitution.

The Board Charter, Corporate Governance Charter and Constitution is available for inspection at the Tadvest offices in Mauritius.

Shareholder Communication:

The Board aims to present a balanced and understandable assessment of Tadvest’s position, which is primarily communicated through the annual report and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, communication with shareholders will be maintained through periodic presentations of financial results, one-on-one visits, trading statements and press announcements of interim and final results, as well as the proactive dissemination of any information considered relevant to shareholders. Information on shareholder communication, announcements and the Company’s share price can be found on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) website.